Welcome to First Christian Church Eugene Online Donations Portal. We appreciate the gifts you entrust with us, to share with the wider community.

As you make your gift, your donation will automatically be utilized in the church general fund, unless you specify otherwise. Be sure to use the drop down menu if you plan to support a special offering or designated fund.

Thank you for your donation and may God's peace be with you.

Welcome to First Christian Church Eugene Online Donations Portal. We appreciate the gifts you entrust with us, to share with the wider community.

As you make your gift, your donation will automatically be utilized in the church general fund, unless you specify otherwise. Be sure to use the drop down menu if you plan to support a special offering or designated fund.

Thank you for your donation and may God's peace be with you.

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First Christian Church Eugene (Disciples of Christ)
Give to First Christian Church Eugene (Disciples of Christ)
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The fee would be for an ACH bank transfer.

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Thank you for your gift! We've successfully received your contribution and deeply appreciate your generosity.


If you have questions about your giving through BreezeChMS please check the contributions tab or feel free to reach out to us at office@heartofeugene.org

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